Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Already a bill for the five components of the iPhone

What a strange title, you say, knowing that the iPhone 5 is not out yet! Yet our colleagues at Bloomberg are already making plans on the comet by predicting  the bill for the components  of the long-awaited successor to the iPhone 4! Addition actually quite commonplace that passes through the cost of a processor A5, which is added that of 512 MB ​​RAM, 16 GB of storage, battery, screen, GPS and other antennas, and bringing the site to estimate the cost at $270 .

This number has obviously not the cost of research and development, "research and development" which is a major element in the growth and development through innovation, Apple and others. Remember, if Apple was charging $ 620 on mobile, it would mean a margin of 56.4% . A line that does not include costs above named, as well as marketing, manufacturing or distribution. Note that the current iPhone 4 is estimated at $ 187 by iSuppli, a hundred dollars less than the price announced by Bloomberg for the iPhone 5. Never internal components of mobile device have boosted the odds as specialized sites!


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