In an interview with Pocket-Lint , James Choi, marketing director of LG, said that Windows 7 Phone has "good visibility less than expected" .
"For connoisseurs like us [Windows Phone 7] may seem a little boring after a week or two," he says. LG will still continue to design Windows 7 Phone smartphones to keep an alternative to Android. "We think [WP7] is perfectly suited to a wide audience. We believe that for some, such as Google OS is too complicated. Windows 7 Phone is very intuitive and easy to use. " . LG believes that Windows 7 Phone still lacks high-end smartphones, a sector that could give him a boost.
Microsoft has not provided any number other than that of 1, 5 million smartphones sold to distributors. Cnet remark statistics Chitika advertising network that put Windows 98 to Windows ... Phone 7. The ancestral Microsoft OS accounted for 0.019% of the Chitika displays, against 0.010% for Windows 7 Phone, which is certainly still very young. The proportion of use of WP7 is 0.44% of the combined share of IOS and Android, enough evidence has been behind Microsoft in the area.

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