Friday, December 10, 2010

Best Buy offers iPhone 3G free with a contract Friday only

The rumors started to swirl Thursday of the truth that the most effective Buy will offer the iPhone 3G for free with a completely two-year contract Friday ATT, and now the electronics retailer has confirmed the news via Twitter.

The phone will only be offered for one day, and will be available to Best Buy and AT&T customers signing up for new lines, upgrades, or additional lines.

Just a month ago, more efficient spending money on advertising that could have "Free" smartphones available (with a two-year contract) through the month of December. Still, the company's products are known Apple not to go on sale, if it is a rather surprising case. Regularly, the 3G phone i is $499.99 on its own $99.99 with a manufacturer two years a new agreement.

Much more efficient to spend money, however to confirm all details, rumors thus far seem to do what the typical "free phone" situation. The material is free, but you commit to a two-year agreement with ATT. Boy Genius Report says that truth extends offer to new customers in the add-on that people need to include additional lines for the plan or receive updates. The Web page also argues Sources revealed that all the more effective to spend money on the stores "have quantities of products to help promote it." And to sweeten the deal, it offers a fast, which means that you do not have the page before sending any cash in the rebate.

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