RecognizeMe is a tweak that allows your iPhone or four fourth-generation iPod touch to unlock your face to recognize. The tweak adds a button to lock the screen of the iPhone or iPod touch that allows you to choose face detection, but also unlock using an access remains possible. To use RecognizeMe you can use its Face Trainer Set different faces, which the iPhone or iPod touch can be unlocked.
It is recommended that each person multiple times with different amounts of light to your face to be recognized for optimal results. It is true that the more profiles of faces you want to recognize the longer the verification process will take. You can tweak the settings also choose how strict the checking of the face should be, noting that the tighter the investigation is, the longer the process takes.
RecognizeMe to activate the menu go to Settings , followed by General and Final Code to set a password. After once you have tested access to the lock screen button will appear the RecognizeMe functionality.
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