In turn, Google would launch its online music service. The Wall Street Journal, the Mountain View giant should make an announcement about it this evening as part of its Google I / O in San Francisco . According to financial daily, the Internet Group is expected to announce at the conference of software publishers, the launch of its Google Music Beta , which has given rise to any license agreement with record companies. The newspaper said the negotiations were never completed, and Google has apparently decided he, at least initially, to allow its customers to store their MP3 files on its servers (up to 320kbps compression) to read remotely, without paying any license or donate any royalties to record labels. To prevent piracy, it will not be possible to download music stored in the cloud.
Like Amazon , it seems that Google has decided to push through. Google has not entered into any agreement to broadcast and licensing agreement with major record labels, as reports the Wall Street Journal .
Note that according to ZDNet, the service should be operated only in the U.S. initially. Google Music will require, in addition, a Flash-enabled web browser, which will make it incompatible with iOS: a snub to the Apple devices. Google's service will be functional by cons on Android provided you have at least version 2.2.
If Google really opt for this strategy, the firm may lose millions of potential customers.However, like the Cloud player from Amazon, Google Music could quickly change tack and be compatible with the IOS and thus Apple iPad, the iPhone and iPod Touch. Reply at the end of the day to outline the new service from Google.
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